Welcome to Punt & Rally, a site dedicated to all things college football. Thanks to the good folks at CollegeFootballData.com and a few others, I have finally found sustainable data sources to feed all the hamsters that run this thing. The original purpose of this site was simply for me, but a few other who like to lay a few duckets down on a game found it helpful. So I've cleaned it up and re-released it for the public. I certainly make no claims that this site will help you win big (or at all), but hopefully it gives you the information to build your confidence, at least until the ball is kicked. I pull in the latest information from multiple resources for my own enjoyment as it saves me time hoping from site to site, hopefully it works out for you. If you have any other good sources I should add, please let me know. Along with Bill Connelly's SP+ rating system I've built my own personal power rating system which I'll be refining in the 2025 season. Note: I'm working on updating the layout to better perform on smaller/mobile devices.
New to the scene of NCAA Footall Analytics and based out of the college football wasteland known as the North East, I strive to provide unbiased statistical analysis of the sport I love. With 136 teams playing uneven schedules through 10 conferences (RIP #Pac12), it can be difficult for the average fan to make sense of all of the data that is currently available for College Football teams. I am a huge fan of College Football, and while I certainly have my allegiance to programs (#GoIrish) from a fan standpoint, I love the sport as a whole and my passion is analyzing and breaking down data from week to week.
What this site is NOT: This is not a 'tout' site. I try to provide statistical information and predictions based on analytics. I do not sell picks, nor do I recommend anyone use this site as a sole resource for gambling purposes. Furthermore, I would be remiss if I did not mention that buying 'picks' from anyone or any site is a very bad idea. Pick selling or 'touts' are a shady business at best and most of the time they are simply complete scams. If you learn nothing else from my site, please remember that you'd save money by avoiding buying picks from others and simply throwing darts at team logos on your wall. It's simple math, you're already laying -110 just to make a bet, why would you add a hundred dollars (and sometimes much, much more) to make a pick for you? Honestly it's one of the reasons I started this site, to produce true data showing you can only gain 'X' amount of advantage by sorting out all the variable data that goes into making a pick. This sport is played by kids with too many unknown variables to consider anything risk proof. Me personally, I say find an edge you believe in, toss down a few duckets for entertainment value and enjoy the games. And to those of you who may question why, I'll say up front that betting Tuesday night #MACtion is a life choice that I fully stand by and support. At the moment this is a one man show, and certainly not my fulltime job. If you enjoy the site and want to help out, click the donate button below to help buy me a beer. Thanks.
New to the scene of NCAA Footall Analytics and based out of the college football wasteland known as the North East, I strive to provide unbiased statistical analysis of the sport I love. With 136 teams playing uneven schedules through 10 conferences (RIP #Pac12), it can be difficult for the average fan to make sense of all of the data that is currently available for College Football teams. I am a huge fan of College Football, and while I certainly have my allegiance to programs (#GoIrish) from a fan standpoint, I love the sport as a whole and my passion is analyzing and breaking down data from week to week.
What this site is NOT: This is not a 'tout' site. I try to provide statistical information and predictions based on analytics. I do not sell picks, nor do I recommend anyone use this site as a sole resource for gambling purposes. Furthermore, I would be remiss if I did not mention that buying 'picks' from anyone or any site is a very bad idea. Pick selling or 'touts' are a shady business at best and most of the time they are simply complete scams. If you learn nothing else from my site, please remember that you'd save money by avoiding buying picks from others and simply throwing darts at team logos on your wall. It's simple math, you're already laying -110 just to make a bet, why would you add a hundred dollars (and sometimes much, much more) to make a pick for you? Honestly it's one of the reasons I started this site, to produce true data showing you can only gain 'X' amount of advantage by sorting out all the variable data that goes into making a pick. This sport is played by kids with too many unknown variables to consider anything risk proof. Me personally, I say find an edge you believe in, toss down a few duckets for entertainment value and enjoy the games. And to those of you who may question why, I'll say up front that betting Tuesday night #MACtion is a life choice that I fully stand by and support. At the moment this is a one man show, and certainly not my fulltime job. If you enjoy the site and want to help out, click the donate button below to help buy me a beer. Thanks.